Secular Growth
The key drivers are:
- Large industry opportunity
- Market leadership
- Longevity of growth
- Sustainable competitive advantage (brand, distribution, technology etc.)
Sector mappings are:
- Auto & auto ancillaries
- Consumer discretionary
- Private sector financials
- Insurance
- Retail
Defensive Growth
The key drivers are:
- New products and distribution – gaining market share
- M&A
- Technology upgrade
Sector mappings are:
- Consumer staples
- Healthcare
- IT services
- Media
Cyclical Growth
The key drivers in this case are:
- Management change
- The uptick in the industry cycle
- Completion of the CAPEX phase
- Turnaround of business
Sector mappings are:
- Industrials and infrastructure
- Private-sector corporate banks
- Logistics
- Oil & gas
Investment Framework
There are four framework segments. These are Cyclical Growth, Secular Growth, Defensive Growth and Value Traps.
- Secular growth contains the core portfolio of 50 to 80% of all allocations.
- The tactical allocation includes the segments of Critical Growth and Defensive Growth. These two have 20 to 50% capital allocation.
Investment Objective
The 360 One High Growth Companies Fund Category III AIF scheme strives for long-term capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity-related securities of companies with high potential earnings growth.