The Carnelian Compounder Strategy is a multi-strategy mutual fund that uses its own MCO framework to achieve superior performance across market cycles. They in the Carnelian realm believe that investing success is attributable to making excellent judgments over an extended period. Good decisions are made “Objectively, Free of any bias”, taking into account “Probability of occurrence” and “Risk reward.”The Carnelian Compounder Strategy is a multi-cap, long-only sector agnostic strategy that aims to produce semi-permanent alpha and compound capital over a long period through the MCO framework. The Strategy is a unique and unusual mix of Magic (accelerated growth), Compounder (steady growth) & Opportunistic firms.An Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is a privately pooled investment vehicle that gathers money from knowledgeable investors to invest with a particular strategy to meet specific goals.The Carnelian Capital Compounder Fund is a category III AIF that provides long-term alpha and capital growth. The minimum investment amount according to SEBI rules is INR 1 crore.