The stock analysis modules at EIML are quite different from conventional investing techniques. The investment portfolios are based on two distinct theories:– Classical Alpha and Smart Alpha.
Classical Alpha
The objective is to produce alpha by pure bottom-up stock picking, further distinguished and reinforced by E-Qual, the unique governance dedicated stock-picking module. E-Qual is an independent governance tool that helps us analyse and compare listed businesses on a range of qualitative and quantitative governance criteria, including management honesty and competence, wealth distribution, investor communication, and liquidity.
Smart Alpha
The Smart Alpha approach is designed to reduce selection and allocation biases that affect fund managers. We concentrate on constructing an equal-weighted portfolio using a rigorous investment method based on management expertise, leadership, market capitalisation, earnings growth, and valuation levels. The unique stock-picking and evaluation procedure, complemented by a practical risk management module, helps us eliminate “Selection Bias” and “Allocation Bias systematically” equally.