Building an investment culture through their core values
-Ethical decision-making
-Reputation and integrity are the most valuable assets
-Unwavering focus on the process
-Focus on controllable Process, input, stock selection and temperament
-MBV Strategy; Proven process across market cycles
-Mindset to constantly learn, adapt and grow
-Consistent and above-average performance
-Compound investor’s capital by managing down risk
-Sharp focus on constant quest to improve outcomes for clients Building
Guiding investment principles:
- Invest in high-quality businesses, ones which can generate high ROCE run by honest credible promoters. Avoid companies that need leverage (ex-financials)
- Seek businesses with growth potential.
- They believe in risk-adjusted returns and protection of capital during downturns. Consistently generate alpha over longer tenures and try to minimize mistakes.
- Buy and hold businesses for the long term. Think like permanent owners of the business.
- They’re not benchmark fixated, but benchmark aware.
- They identify themes/narratives and then go bottom-up and select high-quality businesses.
- We never engage in ‘Greater Fool Theory’ and are valuation conscious.
- Focus on the balance sheet and cash flows rather than the Profit Loss account.
- They avoid time marketing
- They don’t over diversify