- Asset Allocation: a Multi-Asset, Multi-Advisor Solution built on the principles of Asset Allocation. Diversified portfolio across Equity, Fixed Income, and Alternates (REITs & InVITs). ~92% of the success in investing is determined by having the right mix of assets
- Risk Profile-based Portfolios: You can pick between Moderate and Aggressive profiles
- Disciplined Investing: Tackles emotions of greed and fear better due to the discretionary nature of funds. Processes & investment policies in place make it an efficient way to address human biases
- Rebalancing with Auto Portfolio Adjustment: Process-based investment framework for asset allocation, product selection, rebalancing, and tactical allocation – adjust weights of a strategy, strategy shifts with institutional oversight, and become a source of alpha generation. Built-in ability to respond in real-time to market cycles by going over-weight and under-weight an asset class, leading to a smoother journey and potentially better performance
- Reduced Operational Hassle: No need for multiple demat accounts, documentation, and accounting
- Timely Execution: With the fund management team having complete oversight of the portfolio at all points in time, the execution of investment decisions is instant, thus avoiding the opportunity cost associated with delayed execution