100% Cash/money market securities to 100% Equity and Equity-Related Instruments: any financial instrument that the portfolio manager thinks appropriate. The Portfolio Manager may invest in derivatives or any other instrument, including units of mutual fund schemes, as may be determined by the Portfolio Manager and as may be approved from time to time by SEBI, the RBI, or other regulatory authorities. The portfolio manager could take part in the securities lending programme as well.
The portfolio’s investment goal is to provide long-term capital growth by purchasing thoroughly researched stocks.
The goal of the investment approach and strategy is to produce profits through investments in both core and satellite businesses:
The core portion of the portfolio will invest in high-quality stocks with a long-term perspective and a long-term conviction on the part of the fund manager. Three major things will primarily influence this:Business, management, and
The portfolio’s satellite component is built based on tactical prospects. According to the following criteria, it will have a relative return framework:
- Gradual Fundamental Modification
- Growing Expectations in the Market
- Technical Propulsion
- Comparative Values
Instruments related to debt and equity as well as cash and money market securities that are approved by regulators and the Client’s investing guidelines. Utilization of any financial instruments, within the parameters set forth by the Client’s investment rules, as the Portfolio Manager sees fit. The Portfolio Manager may invest in derivatives or any other instrument that the Regulatory Authority that applies to the Client may from time to time authorize, including Units of Schemes of Mutual Funds and as the Portfolio Manager may determine.